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The National Coalition of Chiefs (“NCC”) was developed in response to meetings of First Nation Chiefs from across Canada who were interested in forming a coalition of industry-supportive and pro-development Chiefs from across Canada with a mandate to “Defeat On-Reserve Poverty”. NCC leaders understood that Indigenous communities were faced with constant social despair caused by an ongoing and relentless poverty crisis. Thus, NCC leaders agreed that a new approach was needed, and that this new approach would focus on creating positive and cooperative dialogue between Indigenous leaders and leaders from Canada’s Natural Resource Industry.
In addition to promoting and advocating for Canada’s Natural Resource Industry, the NCC also supports Canada’s clean energy transition, LNG production and export, precious metals mining, uranium mining, SMR’s, Canada’s Nuclear Industry, Canada’s oil and gas industry, forestry, IT and network connectivity, CCS and CCUS development, the Pathways Alliance project, and sustainable First Nation community models.
Progressive First Nation Chiefs from across Canada will gather on a regular basis with CEOs from every facet of Canada’s economy to exchange ideas and initiatives to improve their relationship, to support major project developments, and to work towards bringing Canada’s Indigenous community into prosperity through heightened levels of Indigenous participation in Canada’s economy.
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